Clinical Studies & Medical Case Report - Results of Lipiburn

International Journal of Clinical Study
The Effect of Short Term use of Lipiburn on Fat Loss in Obese Individuals: A Prospective Clinical Study



Participants of this study were asked to take 6 capsules of Lipiburn per day, 2 capsules after each meal. Prospectively, patients were asked to go for eight consecutive weeks of weigh-ins and data collection. Lifestyle interventions, such as diet and exercise, were not specifically altered during the study period.

 The objectives of this prospective clinical study:

  1. To examine the effect of lipiburn on fat loss in obese individuals.
  2. To examine the impact of lipiburn on quality of life. This includes a patient’s general well- being, restful sleep status, and self-perceived rate of exertion.


Results of this prospective clinical trial indicated that the use of lipiburn resulted in significant weight loss in both men and women when taken orally for 8 weeks period.

Measurement of fat loss indicated 5.2% reduction and 6.95% reduction in body fat in men and women respectively (table 1). Confirming the importance of lipiburn in ultimately over expressing HSL. It is very promising and certainly warrants much larger clinical trial to note the significant reduction in fat mass being 11.5 pounds reduction in men and 14.91 pounds reduction in women ( table 1).

Lipolysis leads to the release of Fatty acids which could provide an excellent source of energy. Such extra energy positively impacted quality of life measures in the sample (Table 2). The released Glycerol as a result of taking lipiburn is water soluble, hence, it was recommended in the current trial that volunteers drink two litres of water per day to flush out the released Glycerol. Clinically, men lost over 6 pounds and women lost 12 pounds in 8 weeks after taking 6 capsules/ day after meals (table 2). It is important to point out that none of the participants were instructed to go on a special diet or alter their existing daily exercise.

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Clinical Studies & Medical Case Reports